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What Does the Quran Teach Us?

By August 18, 2023Uncategorized

The Quran is God’s final word to mankind. It contains all that humans need in order to worship God and live a good and fulfilling life while preparing for their life in the Hereafter. The Quran does this by teaching us about the major topics we need to know about.

The Quran focuses heavily on establishing proper beliefs. Without the correct belief in the One and Only True God, there will be no ultimate success. God tells us to reflect upon the signs He has placed for us. The signs in the universe, in our own creation and bodies, and in the life cycles we see around us. God describes Himself to us by mentioning His names and attributes, as these allow us to love Him, revere Him and worship Him through gratitude and obedience. This creates within us a sense of God-consciousness that ensures our belief in God is rooted in the heart, and is consistent in public and private.

God also tells us about the reality of death and life after death. Through belief in the Day of Judgement, we know that all we do in this life will be questioned and judged by God and we will be held to account. No one can escape Divine Judgement. God tells us about Satan and his evil plots so that we can be aware of them and learn to protect ourselves from them. God also mentions other belief systems and man-made religions and their fallacies and contradictions.

The Quran focuses on stories of the past nations, God’s Messengers and their followers and opponents. Stories cover numerous incidents from the life of the Messenger Muhammad. These stories contain lessons, morals and principles. For example, the story may be about the struggles a Messenger of God had with his family or his health. The story will tell us the characteristics the Messenger displayed and the way he overcame this hardship and trial. Those lessons apply to anyone in a similar situation.

The Quran discusses laws and commandments. These are the obligations God has placed upon us such as in ritual worship, parameters in financial transactions, and family regulations. This allows Muslims to conduct themselves in the manner that is most pleasing to God and beneficial to others. These commands also contain prohibitions of  harmful acts like abortion, murder and theft, or vices which harm the person like fornication, sodomy, adultery, drinking and gambling.

The Quran speaks about character development. It encourages us to embody good and noble attributes that will help protect us from Satan while benefiting ourselves and others. These are qualities like remembrance of God, being honest and kind, being merciful to others, generosity and ignoring the foolish. Included in this is the opposite; characteristics that are evil and harmful such as being miserly, lying and cheating.

Similar to the last point, the Quran also focuses on spiritual character development. This includes actions that are internal and come from the heart. For example, loving God, trusting in Him, hoping for His reward and fearing His punishment. Likewise, harmful spiritual characteristics are also highlighted such as anger, jealousy and pride.

The Quran offers humanity complete and wholesome guidance through the themes and topics that it addresses. The Way to Salvation is to implement the Quran in one’s life to earn favour with God and to be successful in this life and the next.

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A'ia'i Bello
A'ia'i Bello
1 year ago

I’m so grateful that even at my age Allah has guided .e to Islam

1 year ago

SubhanAllah AllahuAkbar

Atuhaire Sakinah Beneth
Atuhaire Sakinah Beneth
1 year ago

Ma shaa Allah

1 year ago

This was beautifully written…

Timothy Mulligan
Timothy Mulligan
1 year ago

I greatly esteem the Holy Quran. It is what Allah used to draw me to Islam. Alhamdulillah!

1 year ago

The Quran teaches us about Allah, his commands, purpose of creation and punish and reward base on the adherence to his wills

Fatima Azam
Fatima Azam
1 year ago

Assalamu Alaikum wa barakatu, alway’s we need to Trust in God and follow his commands.Also follow our Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] ,In order to get into Paradise and recieve the many rewards he has Promised us.Even though our lives may be very Hard and troublesome we must remember in the end we will be rewarded. There is only 1 God Allah swt and Muhammad [pbuh] is his Messenger.