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Understanding Fasting Times in Islam: Clearing Misconceptions

Understanding Fasting Times in Islam: Clearing Misconceptions

As a new Muslim, understanding the correct timing of fasting is essential. Unfortunately there are some misconceptions due to false media coverage and lack of correct knowledge of Islamic practices. Let’s delve into the details to ensure clarity and adherence to this fundamental practice.

The Start of Fasting

  • Fajr (Dawn): The beginning time for the Fajr ritual devotion (Salah) is the start of the time for fasting. Fasting begins at Fajr, which is dawn time, at the break of dawn. It’s the moment when the first light appears on the horizon, signaling the start of a new day. At this point, Muslims must stop eating, drinking, and engaging in intimate sexual activity.

●     Sunrise vs. Fajr

  • Misconception: Some people confuse the start of fasting with sunrise. However, they are distinct moments over an hour apart.
  • Clarification: Fasting begins at Fajr, not sunrise. Fajr occurs before the sun rises, during the twilight phase. Fajr time window ends with sunrise.
  • Pre-Dawn Meal (Suhur): It’s recommended to have Suhur (the pre-dawn meal) in the last half-hour before Fajr. This should sustain you throughout the day.

3. The End of Fasting

  • Maghrib (Sunset): Fasting concludes at Maghrib, precisely after the sun sets. This is also the starting time for the Maghrib ritual devotion (Salah). As soon as the sun sets you can eat and drink to complete the fast for the day.


Understanding the correct timing for fasting is essential for practicing this pillar of Islam. Remember to set your intention, start the fast before Fajr time, and complete your fast promptly at Maghrib. May your fasting be accepted, blessed and spiritually enriching!

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ogaba Reagan
ogaba Reagan
10 months ago

i have learned alot thank you