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The Social Aspects of Ramadan & Eid

Ramadan is a month of worship in many different forms. For many of us, Islam is a virtual experience due to a variety of reasons. However, it does not need to be this way for everyone. For those of us who have access to a Muslim community, one major aspect of Ramadan is the social aspects it encourages. We see this in different ways:

  • Having the breakfast meal (Ifar) together – If you have Muslims or other converts around you, try to gather together at the time of the breaking of the fast and share food with them. If there is a mosque near you that organizes community breakfast meals join them. You may even make some friends there!
  • Being charitable – the Messenger Muhammad was the most generous of people and was at his most generous in the month of Ramadan. This is the month of helping and supporting others. You can practice this by donating to charities or helping those in need within your capacity.

Tip: Donate a little amount of money each of the last 10 nights in order to have donated on the Night of Special Status! Several online charities automatically deduct your specified amount each of the 10 nights if you opt for it.

  • The daily ritual devotions – If there is a mosque near you, attend there for the daily ritual devotions and the voluntary extra night prayers. In some countries, after these ritual devotions, food, and tea is shared and people engage in socializing and fellowship.
  • Supplicating to God for others– Make supplications for the well-being of others. This act can be a source of comfort and connection to the global Muslim community. Muslims are encouraged to supplicate for others, not only for themselves and angels supplicate for those who supplicate for others.
  • Refraining from all harm – A major social aspect of Ramadan is to refrain from words and actions that can harm others. This self-discipline is a core aspect of Ramadan’s spiritual journey.

The Eid celebration is also a time of happiness for the community. We see this in:

  • Offering the Eid ritual devotion – This ritual devotion on the morning of Eid is a major way for Muslims to come together, celebrate together, and exchange A major part of Eid is the sermon given, which includes supplications for all. Join the Eid prayers if possible. It’s a beautiful way to feel connected to the Muslim community.
  • Greeting others – The day of Eid is a day of celebration. You can participate in the joy of this day by greeting Muslims around you and asking God to accept their good deeds and yours. Call or message any Muslim contacts you may have. You can greet your fellow Muslims on this day and wish them well. The Eid greetings commence after the Eid Salah and continue for the rest of the day.
  • The Eid after the month of Ramadan is marked by a charity that is given before the day of Ei This charity is given to the poor so that they will have enough to eat on this day and can also share in the celebrations. As a new Muslim, you can participate by donating online or through local Islamic centres.
  • Helping Others: Eid is about caring for one another. If you know someone who might need company or assistance, reach out to them. It could be a neighbor, a friend, or someone from your local community centre.

Remember, the essence of Ramadan is found in the personal spiritual journey and the connection with Allah. Your experience is valid and meaningful, even if it’s observed in solitude or without a local Muslim community. May this Ramadan be a time of drawing closer to Allah and growth for you.

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Taher Samawi
4 months ago
