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The Authority of the Sunnah

By September 20, 2024Uncategorized

The lived example and model of the life of the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ, known as the Sunnah, is the second source of knowledge in Islam after the Quran. It compliments and explains the Quran, and gives practical examples explaining the Quranic commandments in context. This is why God sent messengers throughout history before His revelation of scripture. God says, “God revealed to you the Book and wisdom.” [4:113] Wisdom here refers to the example of the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ, the Sunnah.

When God commands us to offer daily ritual devotions or perform the pilgrimage to Mecca in the Quran, it is the lived example and model of the life of the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ that shows us exactly how. The lived example and model of the life of the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ teaches us how to offer the ritual devotions, what to say, how many units to offer, the prescribed timings, and the conditions that need to be met beforehand such as ritual washing. The lived example and model of the life of the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ explains how to perform the rites of the pilgrimage, where to go and when; what to do there and how.

The authority of the lived example and model of the life of the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ stems from the many commands throughout the Quran in which God instructs us to follow His Messenger Muhammad ﷺ. Here are some of the fifty references in the Quran related to this subject: God says, “He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed God; but those who turn away – We have not sent you over them as a guardian.” [4:80] God  commands us to obey the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ and warns us against disobeying him, “O you who have believed, obey God and obey the Messenger and do not invalidate your deeds.” [47:33]

Accepting the Messenger Muhammad’s ﷺ commands, teachings and rulings is an integral part of faith. In fact, the very testimony of faith that brings one to Islam includes the declaration that one would believe in what Muhammad ﷺ brought, obey his instructions, refrain from his prohibitions, and only worship God in compliance with his example. His words and teachings are sanctioned by God and thus must be obeyed as if God Himself commanded them. God says, “By your Lord, they will not truly believe until they make you, (O Muhammad), judge over their disputes, after which they should not find within themselves any discomfort from what you have judged, rather they should submit to it in full willing submission.” [4:65]

Without the lived example and model of the life of the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ, we wouldn’t be able to understand the Quran correctly. This would lead to each person misunderstanding the Quran according to their ideas and desires. which would lead to much confusion and would result in a way different from Islam as intended by God. The Messenger Muhammad ﷺ explained and demonstrated how to understand the Quran and live by it. This is why, when his wife Aeysha was asked to describe his character, she replied that it was the Quran, meaning he embodied its teachings.

The lived example and model of the life of the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ is divinely inspired. God says, “He, i.e. Muhammad, does not speak of his own desire, it is nothing less than a revelation sent to him.” [53:3-4] This means that everything he says in terms of God’s way is mandated by God and has the authority of having come from God. This is why his disciples memorized details of his example and narrated it to others. In properly following the Sunnah, we can understand the Quran and practice Islam the way God wants. May Allah enable us to do so.


ﷺ – This symbol is a prayer that is written using Arabic calligraphy. It is said/written whenever the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ  is mentioned, as per the command in the Quran 33:56. It means “May Allah honor, bless, and protect him.”

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Quranforchildren Quran
Quranforchildren Quran
28 days ago

Following the Quran for children provides an accessible way to introduce the teachings of Islam and the importance of the Sunnah, making it easier for young minds to grasp its core values.