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Ramadan is Coming

By February 17, 2022Uncategorized

Ramadan is Coming

by Sara Bokker

Feb. 2022

Ramadan is coming.


First time –


The heart pounds.

The head compressed,

Exploding with thoughts and worry

What will I do?

How will I fast?

No water?

No food?

Won’t I dehydrate?

What about my mood?




Ramadan is coming.


First time –


I know.

I was there too.

I started once like you.

My head throbbing,

Pain unrelenting,

Throat dry,

Limbs weak.

I couldn’t think straight.

Sleep was my go-to escape.

Hoping the day would be over

Couldn’t do much at all.

Just wanting it to be over.

Ramadan –

For most the most awaited

For me, the most dreaded.





It was hard.

I struggled so much.

The Blessed Month –

So much reward.

So much to do,

But me – failing miserably,

Barely standing.

How could I deal?

What could I do?

I asked Allah for help.

I kept busy.

I kept moving.

Each year it got easier.

I didn’t give up.

I kept asking Allah,

Until fasting became

The most beloved to me –

Something I love to do as much as I can –

Not only Ramadan,

But all year long.

With hardship comes ease.

Faith becomes sweet,

When you turn to Allah for assistance,

Trust in Him,

And don’t give up.


Note from the author: Everyone is different. Hopefully fasting will be something easy for you, but if it’s not, that’s ok. Just be prepared. Don’t think there’s something wrong with you if it’s hard. Try to work and be out of the house as much as possible if you can, so you keep busy and moving, and don’t think about eating or drinking. Our thoughts are our worst enemy.


Plan and Prepare, but don’t overthink!

Keep busy

Be sure to eat the pre-dawn meal

Don’t overeat when breaking the fast

Get daily exercise

Get some sun daily

Eat healthy, nutrient-rich foods

Don’t worry if it’s hard – just don’t give up!

Check out The Prophet’s Ramadan Series:

Reach out to us at NMA if you have any questions or concerns.

May Allah bless you and facilitate.

Your Sister in Islam,

Sara Bokker (going on my 20th Ramadan, with abundant and overwhelming gratitude. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, the One True God)

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Nalubwama Madina
3 years ago

I want to join the discussion

Ladoo keshri
Ladoo keshri
3 years ago

Hi sis I am ladoo keshri from India Assam Moran sis I am non Muslim I want to join Islam and learn Islam please guide me

Nalubwama Madina
3 years ago
Reply to  Ladoo keshri

Ur welcome dear, Islam is the only way to the right path