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Lessons from the Story of Job

By February 11, 2023Uncategorized

The Story of Job is repeated in the Quran due to its importance and the lessons we can derive from it. These are some of the main lessons from this story:

  1. God tests people in different ways, some with ease and others with hardship. Thus, a person can be tested like Job was, with illness or personal calamity, or they can be tested with ease, such as an abundance of wealth. Each one of us is tested, but the tests may differ.
  2. It is not therefore the test, as much as the way a person responds and reacts to it that truly matters. In the above example, a person who, like Job, is suffering in their health, can persevere, be devout to God and grateful; in which case they would be passing the test as they continue to come closer to God. On the other hand, a person who has a great amount of wealth may use it to oppress others and misuse the wealth, becoming arrogant and possessing bad character; this person has failed their test.
  3. For the true believer, as the Messenger Muhammad said, in both ease and difficulty, they look at how to please God. In times of ease, they will increase in worship and gratitude, and in times of hardship, they will increase in worship and patience. Either way, they are looking to please God. This is a lesson found throughout the stories of the messengers in the Quran. Whatever the circumstance or situation, they remained strong in faith and devotion to God.
  4. From the major lessons in the story of Job is to always trust in God and His plan. Job didn’t despair after the first few months or years. Sometimes, God’s response is delayed for one reason or another. It is a greater measure of a person’s sincerity and devotion that they continue to hope in God’s mercy after years of hardship, as opposed to someone who only hopes for that mercy for a few days or weeks.
  5. Part of belief in God and trust in Him is to take practical steps. Job gets on with his life and manages his situation with the help of his wife. He also continues to call out to God and supplicate to Him, using God’s attributes of mercy and compassion.
  6. Knowing that God has a bigger plan and has wisdom not known to us, gives a sense of contentment. Additionally, the Messenger Muhammad informed us that pain and hardship expiates sins so long as we are patient. Perhaps, God uses these tests to cleanse us of our sins in this life so that we can gain His reward in the next life. God also tests us as a reminder and a means for us to increase our good deeds and raise in levels of reward in the Hereafter.
  7. One of the greatest lessons of the story of Job is patience. Job was patient upon hardship, affliction of illness, loss of wealth and comfort, loss of friends and family. Each one of these losses would be a major ordeal by itself, but together they are extremely hard and a catastrophe. Despite this, Job continued to display patience, knowing that God would help him. God tells us, “We shall test you to make manifest which of you strive your hardest and are steadfast; We shall test the sincerity of your assertions.” [47:31] The Messenger Muhammad told us that with patience comes relief.


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Maria fe Apuyan
Maria fe Apuyan
2 years ago


2 years ago

Each day we awake we’ve overcome a day of adversity. Each day we don’t complain we’ve overcome and made it one additional day. I will continue to pray and exercise patience.

2 years ago

WAit for the right Time.. patient and virtue

Mohamed Ken Sesay
Mohamed Ken Sesay
2 years ago

Patience is a good virtue