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La Hawla wa la Quwata illa Billah (“There is No Power Nor Strength Except Through Allah”): A Poetic Reflection

By September 10, 2024Uncategorized

In the depths of faith, a whisper flows,

A phrase profound, where true surrender grows,

La Hawla wa la Quwata illa Billah, we say,

In every breath, in every prayer, it stays.

A gate to Paradise, radiant and bright,

A treasure beneath the Most Merciful’s Throne,

It plants the seeds of gardens unseen,

In realms where eternal beauty reigns supreme.


A statement of faith, pure and sincere,

A truth that calms every hidden fear,

We acknowledge our frailty, our plight,

Yet in this phrase, our souls find light.


Say it slowly, let its meaning unfold,

In its repetition, a heart is consoled,

Reflect on its depth, let your spirit see,

The power in surrender, the strength to be free.


We own nothing, not even our breath,

In His control, we live life and death,

No shield against harm, no goodness we bring,

Unless by His will, to Him we cling.


From sin to obedience, from darkness to light,

Transformation and healing, through His might,

Only Allah can change the tide,

From weakness to strength, in Him we confide.


Our world revolves around His decree,

What He wills is all that shall be,

MashaAllahu kana, His timing is true,

In His plan, every moment is due.


Ask Him for guidance, to understand and to learn,

To match our actions with the truths we yearn,

In every challenge, in every plea,

Our reliance on Allah is the key.


Our worship, our needs, all in His hands,

Our existence, our service, our life’s strands,

Exclusively, we seek His aid,

In every step, His grace cascades.


In the profound words of faith we find,

A path to submission, a solace for the mind,

La Hawla wa la Quwata illa Billah, the refrain,

A reminder of Allah’s eternal reign.

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Victoria Harris
5 days ago

MarshAllah, that was beautiful!

Sybille dubois
1 month ago

Ma Shaa’Allah very beautiful, very profound