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Islamic Teachings on Reflecting on Nature

By December 21, 2024Uncategorized

God commands us to reflect upon His creation in the Quran. Nature around us is one of the objects we are supposed to ponder. “Have they not then looked at the sky above them: how We built it and adorned it with stars, leaving it flawless? As for the earth, We spread it out and placed upon it firm mountains, and produced in it every type of pleasant plant – all as an insight and a reminder to every servant who turns to God in devotion.” [50:6-8] This Quranic command is there because in nature there are many signs that point to God’s unicity, supremacy and majesty. These signs indicate God’s power and the beauty in His creation.

We can see the beauty of God’s creation and His power and ability when we look up at the sky, and within it the sun, moon and stars. The alternation of day and night, with the former being a time for work and being active, and the latter a time for resting and recuperation. The weather we experience, from the nice warm sunny days, to the rain showers we need for survival, to the nice breeze and wind, to the more extreme weather of snow, ice and frost; all are signs of God.

We see the signs of God in the earth all around us, from the mighty mountains, to the vast and immense oceans and seas, to the lush forests and jungles and open deserts. Each one of these habitats and terrains has its own beauty. Each one is a home for many animals and creatures. We have the ability to extract from the land and sea, minerals and precious metals. We source our food from the land and the sea, whether it is the food we grow, or the animals and fish we eat.

Within every creature and animal, its social structure, the habitat it survives in and the ingenious ways it does so, to the way animals hunt, thrive and flourish, all are signs of God’s power. There are animals that can only survive in water, and others that can only survive in land and then others that can navigate both. There are in the animal world, creatures that have two legs, others with four, and yet others with no legs who slither as they move.

When we look at ourselves we witness the many signs of God’s power in our own creation. From our heart to our brain, our vision and hearing, the way our hearts beat or the way blood flows in our body; and much more besides these, all from God’s favours. Each one of these bodily functions in and of themselves is precious and invaluable. Without the smallest digit of a finger or an organ with diminished function we realize our weakness. Our lives become difficult if the smallest hindrance occurs.

God says, “He created the heavens without pillars—as you can see—and placed firm mountains upon the earth so it does not shake with you, and scattered throughout it all types of creatures. We send down rain from the sky, causing every type of fine plant to grow on earth. This is God’s creation. Now show Me what those supposed gods other than Him have created. In fact, the wrongdoers are clearly astray.” [31:10-11]

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Muna Ross
Muna Ross
2 months ago


2 months ago

As I sit here this morning watching the clouds float by and the sun come up these are good words to reflect on.

Marissa Romo
Marissa Romo
2 months ago


Naa Kershia
Naa Kershia
2 months ago


Vincent peter
Vincent peter
2 months ago

Good teaching