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The Story of Queen Sheba

In chapter 27 of the Quran, God tells us that on one occasion, Solomon was taking roll call of his army and noticed that a hoopoe bird was absent, “Solomon inspected the birds and said, ‘Why do I not see the hoopoe? Is he absent?” [27:20] When the bird returned, it informed Solomon that its delay was due to it having come across a kingdom ruled by a rich and powerful queen that worshipped the sun instead of God. “I found a woman ruling over the people, who has been given a share of everything- she has a magnificent throne – [but] I found that she and her people worshipped the sun instead of God. Satan has made their deeds seem alluring to them, and diverted them from the right path, they are astray.” [27:23-24]

Solomon was favoured by God with many blessings and miracles. As a messenger of God, he used his blessings and miracles to call others to God’s way. He sent a letter to the Queen, inviting her to visit his kingdom and believe in the one true God. God describes this saying, “The Queen of Sheba said, ‘Counsellors, a gracious letter has been delivered to me. It is from Solomon, and it says, “With the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy, do not put yourselves above me, and come to me in submission to God.”’ [27:29-31]

When the Queen received Solomon’s letter, she gathered her advisors and sought their counsel. They replied that as a strong and powerful kingdom with military strength, they do not have to obey Solomon or accept his invitation. The Queen, in her wisdom and intelligence, responded that there is no need for hostility, as that would open up the possibility of war, and war causes a great deal of loss. Instead, she decided that she would send a gift to Solomon to see if wealth would persuade him. “I am going to send them a gift, then see what answer my envoys bring back.’” [27:35]

When the Queen’s emissary came to Solomon with the gifts from Sheba, Solomon replied that he had no need for wealth, as God had already given him what is more precious. Solomon was not after worldly goods like conventional kings, he sought to guide people to God’s obedience and worship. Solomon informed the emissary that there was no option except for the Queen to come or else there would be war. “When her envoy came to Solomon, Solomon said, ‘What! Are you offering me wealth? What God has given me is better than what He has given you, though you rejoice in this gift of yours. Go back to your people: we shall certainly come upon them with irresistible forces, and drive them, disgraced and humbled, from their land.’” [27:36-37]

Solomon wanted to show the Queen and her people God’s signs. He asked his advisors which of them would be able to bring the Queen’s throne from her palace before she arrived herself with her entourage. One of the mighty jinn responded, “‘I will bring it to you before you can even rise from your place. I am strong and trustworthy enough,’” [27:39] Then a court member, to whom God had given knowledge said, “‘I will bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye.’” [27:40]

When the Queen’s throne was placed before him within the blink of an eye, Solomon saw God’s favours upon him, and how God tests people through blessings just as He tests them through hardships. “When Solomon saw it set before him, he said, ‘This is a favour from my Lord, to test whether I am grateful or not: if anyone is grateful, it is for his own good, if anyone is ungrateful, then my Lord is self-sufficient and most generous.’” [27:40]

When the Queen arrived, Solomon asked her if she recognised the throne. She wisely responded that it looked familiar to her. Solomon brought her into a place where the flooring was made of clear glass and crystal with water running beneath it. This was something not known or possible at that time. When the Queen saw the room, she assumed there was actual water they would be walking on, so she lifted her dress slightly. She then realised what it was. Upon seeing these signs, she immediately believed in God and Solomon as God’s Messenger.

God says concluding this story, “Then it was said to her, ‘Enter the hall,’ but when she saw it, she thought it was a deep pool of water, and bared her legs. Solomon explained, ‘It is just a hall paved with glass,’ and she said, ‘My Lord, I have wronged myself: I devote myself, with Solomon, to God, the Lord of the Worlds.’” [27:44]

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