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people championing the New Muslim Education.



If you think back to the moment you took your shahada and became a Muslim, you probably felt both excited and nervous all at once.

Like the start of any new journey, adopting a new faith identity can feel really overwhelming at first – there are so many different things to learn and implement.

That’s where the New Muslim Academy comes in. When you become a member of the New Muslim Academy, you’ll have access to a great community of people and resources that are relevant to your needs. NMA instructors are highly qualified and have been teaching Islam around the globe for many years.

You’ll be able to learn new things about the faith, engage in discussions with fellow new Muslims, and access a long list of experienced teachers and mentors.

So Join Now and get started

Join Now

 Video Classes & Webinars

Video Classes & Webinars

Super FUN & STRUCTURED curriculum. Mentors that CARE for you & WILL be there for you. Weekly provocative discussions & academic challenges. Meet & celebrate with other new Muslims.

Members Portal

Personal Members Portal

You’ll have direct access to resource videos, live classes, and more importantly a supportive community of new Muslims, specialized teachers, and qualified mentors. They’ve all got your back at this critical stage of your life.


Live Interaction

You’ll have direct access to all of our instructors, and you will never be alone. Our online resource tools provide unique, and unparalleled access to a community filled with individuals like yourself.

The Best Part?

IT’S A 100% FREE

New Muslim Academy
  • 1-on-1 Consultation
  • Mentorship From Start To Finish
  • Quran Classes
  • Private Help With Surat’l-Fatiha
  • Certificates

NMA has filled a void that life can leave. Once I testified my Shahadah, even though I wanted to drop everything and move into a mosque (figuratively) to learn as much as possible, the constraints of life continued with work and my family. NMA has provided an opportunity to still get more knowledge than the weekly Khutbahs and self study of the Qur'an can provide.

Chris, Canada

Before knowing about this site... I had just 1 -2%knowledge about Islam. But when a brother referred me this site, I joined and starting learning whenever i get time, and it has helped me a lot in gaining the basic knowledge about Islam which every convert Muslim must be aware of after accepting Islam. And due to this it motivated me to learn more and more Islam and trying to become a better Muslim.

Stefi bedi, Ireland

When I read this ebook I have found a lot of similar thoughts and problems we all face during holidays celebrations. I really loved it and found it as a reminder and words of support! 🙂

Olga, Russia

"I would like to thank you for offering quran recitation classes. I used to only know 3 surah’s and now I know 9… it has been very helpful.
Thank you so very much!"

Gracie, USA

As-Salaam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

First of all, I would like to thank you for this opportunity and I pray that Allaah accepts your efforts as well as everyone involved in these brilliant courses.

New Muslim Academy is a wonderful mission! I am sure that 100s of students are benefitting from your efforts. You are truly an inspiration to people who get tired of helping 10 people in a day. I am amazed with the dedication you answer all emails so quickly!

Thanks a lot!

Wa alaykum as-Salam.

Julie, UK